Our Students
Mollie “Ahthawats'' Coffey
of the Comanche, Delaware, Kickapoo, Oglala Sioux, and Pawnee tribes, is a sophomore at Haskell Indian Nations University studying Natural Science. Mollie’s mentor is Dr. Robin Orozco an assistant professor of Molecular Biosciences. Mollie’s Bridges research focuses on genetic influences on anti-viral immunity through intrinsic effects of alleles and their responses to immune cells.

Kenneth Tadena Jr
of Yakama Nation, Is a sophomore at Haskell Indian Nations University studying Exercise Science. Kenneth is mentored by Dr. Philip Gallagher, Professor in the Department of Health, Sport, and Exercise Science. Kenneth's Bridges research focuses on the examination of morphological changes in muscle cells.

Joshua Williams
from Wichita Kansas, of the Pawnee nation of Oklahoma. Is a Sophomore at Haskell Indian Nations University studying Environmental Science. Josh is mentored by Dr. Ben Sikes in microbial ecology with a focus on soil fungi and their use in ecosystem management . Josh is currently assisting with research that involves developing and studying a substrate that could be used to grow crops on the Moon or on Mars!

Seth Pua
Navajo Nation and from Lawrence KS, is a Junior at KU majoring in Mathematics. He is mentored by Dr. Folashade Agusto, associate professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and by Dr. Maria Orive, professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Seth's research utilizes mathematical modeling to investigate the relationship between fungal pathogens and invasive plant species.

Myka Gilbert
A sophomore from the Navajo Nation, Myka Gilbert is working in Dr. Josie Chandler’s lab where they are studying bacterial social behaviors that contribute to communities found in infections, natural ecosystems, and synthetic microbial communities. Myka is from St. Michaels Arizona

Matthew Billie
Matthew Billie is currently working with Dr. Matthew Gillispie in the Department of Speech- Language-Hearing. Dr. Gillispie’s work includes working with preschool and school age speech, language, and literacy disorders as well as culturally responsive services, especially to children and families from Native American Communities. Matthew, Dine’, is a sophomore from Fort Defiance, Arizona.

Katherine Brock
From Isleta Pueblo and Albuquerque New Mexico, Katherine Brock is a sophomore majoring in Bioengineering. Katherine is working in Dr. Justin Hutchison’s Biocatalytics lab specializing in protein and enzymatic applications to treat drinking water, examining barriers in drinking water treatment and distribution for rural water networks.

Raegan Hickman
Raegan Hickman, an enrolled member of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians from Choctaw Mississippi is majoring in Indigenous and American Indian Studies /Computer Science. She is working in Dr. Friis’ Spine Biomechanics Laboratory investigating spine implant design.

Kenneth James Benson
James Benson, a junior at Haskell and a member of the Cherokee Nation from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, plans to transfer to KU to study Physics/Astronomy. He is working with Dr. Murray who shares James’ interest in Astrobiophysics.